Monday, November 23, 2009

Cast Your Vote

Ok people. My work is having a cookie contest, and I have a reputation to uphold. So, I need some suggestions. There may be a cash prize, if it turns out that's allowed. Tell me what to make. Vote on one of these, or suggest an alternative.

Current Contenders:
Molasses Spice Cookies (maybe in the shape of ginger bread men)
Lemon Cookies
Peanut Butter Brownies
Ameretti Cookies
Salted Chocolate Chip
Some inventive version of the PB bars and graham crackers.



Elizabeth said...

I want to narrow the vote down to Rugelach and Lemon Cookies.

I definitely think chocolate chip (as delish as they are) are not the way to go for a christmas cookie contest, and same goes for peanut butter and pb bars.

HEB said...

My vote is for the Lemon Cookies or for Chocolate Drop Cookies. I've yet to meet anyone who could resist either.

HEB said...

Oh, and I really want to make those PB brownies now.

RJW said...

I third the lemon cookies if it's not too late to vote

CH said...

I totally agree with EW that chocolate chip cookies (even though I think the salted top kicks them up a notch) are not the stuff of cookie contests.

I vote for the lemon cookies.