Monday, November 23, 2009

It's True: Jack-o-Lanterns Are Not For Eating

Remember when I commented that, apparently you're not supposed to eat the flesh of regular, Halloween type pumpkins? Well, I should have listened to that advice. I had in my freezer the roasted flesh of a pumpkin my parents grew in their garden, so I decided the time had come to make it into soup.

I followed this recipe, but to be honest, I thought it was boring and flavorless. So, I added curry powder, tumeric, cumin, and pepper at random and in bits until I got something that was edible. The end product was okay, but given all the amazing soups there are in the world, I would not repeat this endeavor, especially when delicious pumpkin-like soup is not difficult to produce.

In other news, the Thanksgiving preparations have begun. Many blog entries to follow. And, CH and I have a tale from our new favorite restaurant. Stay tuned!

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