Monday, October 19, 2009

Resurgence of a Classic Cookie?

As we all know, Deb is perhaps our greatest source of inspiration. Many among us seem tempted to just make whatever she says. So, lacking creativity of my own, I pondered her snickerdoodle recipe. I had all but decided against it when, to my shock, I got almost the exact same recipe in an email from Saveur.

Partially because I dont want any more of my cooking magazines to go out of business and partially because I dont want to be too reliant on one source of inspiration, I went with Saveur's version. They are seriously pretty much identical, but maybe one day I'll do a taste test to see which one I like more. Yes, I'll do that as soon as I have a need for 96 snickerdoodle cookies in my life.

One thing I will say about this cookie that I had pretty much forgotten about from childhood, it is delicious. I love cinnamon. I love sugar. And this is one occasion where I won't complain about the butter.


HEB said...

Guess I don't need to post Deb's version anymore.... I'll just add that her version is now on the list of baked goods that I'm not allowed to keep around the house because they are that good.

Elizabeth said...

Butter = delicious.

kzwick said...

HEB - I did not mean to usurp your post. I just assumed from your previous comment that you were never going to get around to posting about them. I do, however, agree with you that these are very dangerous to keep around.

HEB said...

Zwick, I totally don't care. The deathly illness has taken any time that might possibly go towards blogging in my life so it's just as well that your snickerdoodles stepped in. Who knows when I would have gotten mine posted?