Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ginger Pear Sorbet

As we've mentioned before, sorbet making is easy and the results are delicious. Recently I bought a pint of pears at the Farmer's Market, to make another dessert. But then I got to making things for an upcoming party, and decided I could not justify making a pie for 10-12 people if I would not be able to serve it at said event. So, I axed the other dessert. But then I had a pint of pears going bad in my apartment. What to do?? Make sorbet!

And, I also had a bunch of fresh ginger in my apartment from a number of only mildly successful attempts to replicate Argo Tea's Iced Green Tea Ginger Twist, so we (I had a visitor's help) decided to add the ginger to the pear.

The result, a delicious frozen treat.

- 1 pint of peeled pears
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup sugar
- about 3 tablespoons of minced ginger.

- Boil the sugar, water, and 2 tablespoons of the ginger until the sugar is complete dissolved. Let cool. (Our original recipe says to let the syrup chill, but I don't think that's necessary, as long as it's not burning hot when you add it).
- Puree the pears
- Add the syrup to the pears, puree some more.
- Add the last table spoon of fresh ginger
- Freeze until hard, then take it out and puree it again.


Nick said...

I respectfully dissent, though to be fair I have a general aversion to ginger.

Unknown said...

This sorbet was outstanding. I hope there is still more left next time I visit KZ, or I will be forced to actually make something myself.

Elizabeth said...

I am so proud!