Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Empire State of Mind

These days, I miss New York. A lot. And in my misery over the last month, I started dreaming of the things I would make when it was all over. Invariably, my list was very New York. Bagels. Pizza. Cheesecake. Black & Whites. You get the idea.

When I told another former NY resident that I was going to make B&Ws because I missed New York, his basic response was, "why, they're gross?" And, as is often the case with this particular friend, he had a good point. But the thing about cravings, especially ones that are geography centered, is that even though I never actually wanted or even liked B&Ws while in NY, once I got it in my head to make them, I couldn't make the thought go away. I had to make them, even though almost every single one (of the 5 or so) I ever had (with the exception of a rare aberration from West Side Market) was stale or frosted in such a way that you couldn't actually taste the difference between the two sides. But these red flags would not be an impediment to my determination, and so I took the plunge and made them.

Given everything I've said up to this point about how black and whites usually taste mediocre to me, it should be no surprise that the ones I myself made were no exception to this rule. I knew they were off the moment I took the first batch out of the oven, yet I persevered and finished cooking them and icing them. And almost 60 cookies later, all I could think about was "what am I going to do with these black and white hockey pucks."

I will say, I am being overly hard on these cookies. I gave my cousin a batch, and though she agreed with me that they were off, the throng of children she was feeding found them delicious. My office mate also approved. And even I came around to a decision that the dough wasn't all that thick after all.

Moral of the story? When you miss a place, you're probably not going to solve that longing with a food you didn't really like to begin with, especially when the things you miss cannot be produced in your oven (you cant bake up a batch of friends, or pinkberry for that matter).

Want the recipe after this glowing recommendation? I, of course, used Deb's. I know that HEB has a version that she and CH served to 40 of our closest friends in college, and I feel like I probably liked those. And I believe EW has even posted a version on this very blog. But since I have come to rely on Deb's pictures and antics to get me through the day, I figured I should do her a solid and try her version. That's all for now. I hope happier food tales are on their way.


Elizabeth said...

HMM. I went back to check my entry and I totally made the SK version ( And I thought they were awesome. But I will admit that yours are way prettier. Confusing, kz, confusing.

kzwick said...

I am open to the possibility that my problem with these cookies was caused by user error and not the recipe. My butter was still a bit too cold when I used it, and that might have had a negative impact on the texture, though I was careful not to overbeat the flour mixture... Oh well, time to move on to bagels.