Monday, January 18, 2010


Let's talk about blondies. And why they were the only food item I wanted for more than a week, despite the fact that I've never craved blondies before. In fact, I'm not even sure I'd ever had a blondie before these, and I generally believe things like chocolate chip cookies in bar form are inferior to their cookie counterpart. So, why the blondie craving? Who knows. What I do know is that these hit the spot.

We had them for dessert at the first installment of a series of dinners where we teach my first-ever roommate how to cook. They were the encore to this lasagna. Topped with caramel frozen yogurt, they really hit the spot.

As with almost everything I make these days, the recipe came from Smitten Kitchen. As SK makes clear, these are in fact infinitely adaptable. We added chocolate chips, PB chips and, toffee bits in them. The result? Yum.

Oh, and did I mention, these really hit the spot.


HEB said...

Your food photos have been really pretty since you moved back to the south side. Whatever the faults of that builder's bulb, you've clearly got good light.

CH said...

These were delicious, the caramel ice cream (or sorry, frozen yogurt) was a wonderful way to top them off!

Elizabeth said...

I've never really understood why one would eat a blondie and not a brownie. But, these do sound pretty good, so maybe they'd change my mind.

kzwick said...

Thanks for the compliment, HEB! There are many trials and errors in my photo taking, but new apartment and better camera certainly help.

Elizabeth - I found my need for a blondie really bizarre myself. I couldn't explain it, and having a brownie did not help matters. You should try these out and maybe you can explain it to me.

Unknown said...

I am going to try and make this. YUM.

Also, KZ. You are an amazing photog. I love the pictures!